What causes sudden obesity
Attention to weight and fitness of healthy habits that are recommended by doctors for all persons, and the increasing need for this interest in certain medical cases, which are cases that have a greater willingness to increase in weight due to family history, or people with heart disease, a narrowing or blockage of the arteries, as well as fatty liver disease. Also it is important to be careful not to gain weight for people at risk of tumors, because the extra weight of the factors that may be speeding to the occurrence of the injury, and recent studies have proved that the people closest to less susceptible to tumors of people with obesity. There are many reasons that lead to weight gain without significant changes in the pattern of a person's life, but of course there are intangible changes that lead to greater results, which will be the most important of the sudden increase in weight, spoke of that case by the largest in women, especially women in periods of hormonal changes. One of those causes that lead to a sudden increase in weight main reasons: first of those reasons and most influential in most cases is irregular secretion of hormones in the body as a result of lack of glands or the abuse of medical drugs or traffic periods puberty or menopause in women, and the most important glands that causes palaces weight gain, thyroid deficiency leads secreted to slow down the body's metabolism, and then store the calories and weight gain. And so the increased secretion of cortisol lead to weight gain. The lack of estrogen in women during menopause and beyond lead to weight gain in the same way thyroid hormone. The second reason, which is followed by the effect is irregular sleep and not to make the body adequately, contrary to the prevailing that the discomfort and lack of sleep leads to weight loss and thinness, but that many people suffering from the rapid increase in weight for this reason. The failure to make the body slows the calorie burning process because of fatigue, which affects the internal organs of the body, and this is leading to a sense of the need to eat, especially sugary foods that cause the stored calories in the body and then increase the weight.