الأربعاء، 24 أغسطس 2016

What causes sudden obesity

What causes sudden obesity

Attention to weight and fitness of healthy habits that are recommended by doctors for all persons, and the increasing need for this interest in certain medical cases, which are cases that have a greater willingness to increase in weight due to family history, or people with heart disease, a narrowing or blockage of the arteries, as well as fatty liver disease. Also it is important to be careful not to gain weight for people at risk of tumors, because the extra weight of the factors that may be speeding to the occurrence of the injury, and recent studies have proved that the people closest to less susceptible to tumors of people with obesity. There are many reasons that lead to weight gain without significant changes in the pattern of a person's life, but of course there are intangible changes that lead to greater results, which will be the most important of the sudden increase in weight, spoke of that case by the largest in women, especially women  in periods of hormonal changes. One of those causes that lead to a sudden increase in weight main reasons: first of those reasons and most influential in most cases is irregular secretion of hormones in the body as a result of lack of glands or the abuse of medical drugs or traffic periods puberty or menopause in women, and the most important glands that causes palaces weight gain, thyroid deficiency leads secreted to slow down the body's metabolism, and then store the calories and weight gain. And so the increased secretion of cortisol lead to weight gain. The lack of estrogen in women during menopause and beyond lead to weight gain in the same way thyroid hormone. The second reason, which is followed by the effect is irregular sleep and not to make the body adequately, contrary to the prevailing that the discomfort and lack of sleep leads to weight loss and thinness, but that many people suffering from the rapid increase in weight for this reason. The failure to make the body slows the calorie burning process because of fatigue, which affects the internal organs of the body, and this is leading to a sense of the need to eat, especially sugary foods that cause the stored calories in the body and then increase the weight.

السبت، 20 أغسطس 2016

Methods of slimming fast belly

The accumulation of fat

Accumulate fat usually in some areas of the body more intensively than others, and this is due to many genetic causes, hormonal and different patterns of living, and in the end we find that the search for ways to slimming the body is limited in the search for useful and quick ways to lounge wear certain areas of the body, the most important of these abdominal areas waist and buttocks

The reasons for the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area

The accumulation of fat in the middle of the body is due to genetic factors in the first place, along with accumulations over the many years in which the person is exercising patterns of nutrition and health behaviors carry many of the damage to the body. It can be summarized reasons that lead to the accumulation of fat in those areas of the body in a greater reliance on technology and the tendency to laziness and follow many of the dietary habits harmful to the health of the body, which are mainly associated with the use of technology products and consumer welfare

Methods of slimming fast belly

knowing that most of the accursed species may not be effectively influential in LOSS abdomen,as it helps in the process of losing weight just do not, but without action to get rid of fat in certain areas, of course, there are some drinks that help burn calories in the body and thus get rid of fat faster, but in general, but do not follow the right diet for you and determined by a nutritionist based on age, weight and health status. Belly slimming depends primarily on the exercise, so it must be adhered to and not be neglected in any case in order to ensure the burning of calories in the required areas, the dietary and behavioral habits helps not to the accumulation of fat and lose weight but do not differentiate between one region and another in the body, as they are reducing the size of the muscle itself, so the practice of sports such as swimming or running or bodybuilding or even daily walking, climbing stairs helps to strengthen muscles and increase its size in exchange for reducing the percentage of fat from the abdominal area. Behavioral and dietary habits should be interconnected with exercise and diet, as it whenever they are more committed, whenever helped slimming fast and healthy, so you must get rid of all the dietary habits harmful and to ensure, smoking and eating red meat or fast food in general, with emphasis on drinking quantities large of water a day. The above-mentioned three methods for slimming the abdomen represents a magic solution for anyone who wants to get rid of the rumen in a short time without being detrimental to his health condition, so it is advisable to follow those methods simultaneously and very fulfilled.

الاثنين، 8 أغسطس 2016

Causes weight loss without diet

Causes weight loss without diet

Sudden weight loss

Although the intake of certain individuals for their food, according to usual as far as what you need their bodies or increase it, but they suffer from the continuous loss of weight, and it is often an indication of the infected health problem what with the need to receive appropriate treatment to reduce the constant loss of weight before the limit is reached danger.

Causes weight loss without diet eating disorders

Of the most important food-causing disorders to lose weight and the most common is anorexia  and bulimia, and knows anorexia and one being from mental disorders caused by the fear of permanent increased weight and suffering obesity, resulting in automatic reduction of the quantities of food covered until it becomes severe thinness, and bulimia often occurs in individuals who have been accepted to eat greedily or exercise mischievously.

Mental Health Problems

Among the most important mental health problems that cause weight loss without diet are cases of anxiety and tension, and often occurs in individuals who are unable to get out of the severe problems that they face in their lives, resulting in the loss of weight very quickly, and accompanying dizziness and shortness of breath and pain pectoral also cause depression of different degrees in weight loss, it shows depression in most individuals in the form of cases of sadness and tension as a result of psychological or environmental or social reasons, and depression caused severe problems in the digestive system, loss of appetite for its owner, leading to weight loss.

Chronic diarrhea

Get most of the world's population of diarrhea caused by eating a certain type of eating, or caused by a viral infection or a bacterial What, however, that this type of diarrhea can be treated with ease using the right type of antibiotics, while cases of chronic diarrhea, which extends for more than four weeks may be evidence of a defect in the body, such as irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive problems, which cause in many cases the loss of a large part of the weight.

Weight maintenance

Weight maintenance

Weight The hardest part in reaching the proper weight is not to lose weight but to keep it, Visser Many often in trouble to get rid of the weight by using various types of diets and then after a short time to reach the ideal weight to return to the previous weight more quickly than those in which they have lost and more than it was. Nutrition experts point out that one of the main reasons for the return of weight are those diets that removes weight too quickly, which deprives the person the same food with large amounts; what is soon to end and up to the appropriate weight to come back to eat depriving himself of it is much greater .

Maintaining weight nutrition in order to maintain weight

The nutrition is essential in weight loss as well as in maintaining it; The way is best to lose weight and keep it also lies in the transition to a healthy and proper food intake, it is important to eat the right amount of calories per day and that will be the same amount that you need in your day, unlike the trying to alleviate the weight and who have to eat less than they need in their day in order to lose weight. It is also important to try to eat healthy away from processed foods and high calorie beverages and that there is no benefit Terje them to the body; it is important to eat five small meals a day instead of eating one big meal, and stay hungry throughout the day, it is also important not to give up Breakfast specifically; studies have found that those who do not eat breakfast tend to eat a greater amount of food, as well as decrease the amount of energy they have during the day


It can be for many people ease their weight by reducing only eat, while the longer the best way to keep your weight by playing sports or increase movement in general, helping the sport in burn more calories which helps burn excess calories for the body's need.

some advices

Drink more water quantity and especially before meals, it will help you feel full more. Eating large amount of fiber through your meals; it helps to reduce the amount of food you eat. Reduce the amount of food additives that increase the calories of the food is very large, without any benefit. Get more Ktltk muscle, and you do not need to do this to become Claobei bodybuilders, but that the percentage of muscle in your body be greater as possible even without being overweight, consuming their muscle cells in the body a greater amount of calories which increases the body's metabolism rate even at rest

Fitness and food

 Fitness and food

Here Madam some of the foods that once relied upon in your diet and Djalta addressed an essential part of your life, give you a healthy body and full fitness

Skim milk

Than in milk calcium and phosphorus useful elements, Calcium is necessary to regulate muscle function and teeth to save and strong bones and for women Vivid milk it helps in the prevention of lived bone disease, which may start in women since the age of thirty five, and is exacerbated when they reach menopause and the symptoms of short stature, causing some fractures the phosphorus it enters the most jobs metabolic including the contraction of the heart and muscles and the digestive process and what it should be noted that the full-fat milk and milk products contain a large amount of fat that should be avoided and replaced with this type of the milk


The cup each of broccoli boiled a little Includes forty calories only and with that it gives 75% to 100% of the daily need for the necessary Vitamin A is important for eye health, which also keeps turn on the immune and protects teeth and bones as well as the broccoli contain Vitamin c Helps the prevention of cancer. And it is also worth mentioning that broccoli contains appreciable amounts of iron superiority of many types of vegetables until spinach

the banana

The banana example full of food delicious and useful, and it contains a number of elements such as potassium, which leads to a deficiency in the body weakness and insomnia and disruption of the heart beat. As well as the banana is of reduced calories and fat


Fish is a diet high in iodine and phosphorus, and the unsaturated fats in fish flesh actually help improve health in general and by assisting them in reducing the cholesterol level in the blood


Chicken contains protein, which is made up of amino acids, which have an essential role in maintaining the health and through consistency of muscle strength regulate immune action in the body's hormonal balance imparts flexibility and luster to the skin to get rid of the largest possible amount of fat

Dieting ways

Dieting ways

There are several ways and tips followed by many people in the exercise Dieting to reduce weight, and rid their bodies of accumulated fat to become perfect, we will remember you, dear reader, in this article some of these tips and ways that you follow.

:Weight Loss Tips

Refrained from eating anything in the period between meals, and if you feel hungry resort to eating fruits and vegetables that make you feel sufficiency and full stomach. Eat celery; it works to burn fat effectively and quickly place the specific times to eat meals, and stick to it daily, and do not leave the breakfast; it is one of the most important meals that save you from high in fat. Always not to resort to sleep after eating meals directly; it makes the fat stored in your body does not follow the ways that soothes your body, and that does not make you burn high levels of stored energy in your body; as you practice many physical activities to get rid of the accumulated fat. March aerobic exercise; it is one of the most effective means to get rid of excess weight, and high-impact in getting rid of the accumulated body fat away from food containing high levels of sugar, and to get rid of body fat to avoid food containing high calories. Follow the ways of alternatives in the quality of foods; like milk skim milk instead of whole milk, and other dairy products as well, and black bread instead of white bread, and stay away from carbonated beverages. Stay away from containing proportions of carbohydrates, such as rice, pasta and other foods, although not able to completely drop out, tempered addressed as much as possible. Do not resort to canned goods they contain very high calories, sodium and contain the user to save them; it makes the process of digestion is very difficult, leading to the storage of fat in the body. Stay away too much about eating nuts containing high concentrations of salts; process you quit it protects the body from obesity drink large quantities of water during the day, especially before meals; it works to melt the fat accumulated in the body. Do not take the chicken and meat containing high levels of fat; they increase your weight. Stay away from ready-made foods in restaurants; they contain high levels of fat that are hard to get rid of them easily pulled away from eating late at night; it hinders the process of digesting food properly, causing the accumulation of fat in the body. Ga authorities to address different types of meals before eating; they are working to mitigate the intake quantities of the main meals. Eating vegetables, chicken or grilled meat and boiled instead of fried; it protects the body from the increase in the percentage of fat your body to follow proper diets; they help you get rid of the accumulated fat, and contributes to tighten flabby areas of your body.

 :Prevent fat diet

This type of diet types depends on refraining from eating fat, such as oils, butter, and most of the Albanians, and the types of game, nuts and pans, and considers this a low Dieting calories, and contribute to the elimination of accumulations of fat in the thighs and buttocks area, and advised in this accursed continue eating fatty fish species.

:Diet dates and milk

It is one of the easiest accursed ways; he is able to four kilos of weight loss in a week, it depends on eating dates and milk only, and must during the period of this accursed lot of drinking water, and allowed to drink other beverages such as coffee and tea provided that they are sugar-free.

Methods of removing the rumen after delivery

an introduction

Pregnancy beautiful and tired stages of the women at one time point, since undergoing pregnant with various changes throughout the nine months, including weight gain and the size of the abdomen, which can affect the physical and psychological comfort, with increasing abdominal size with the continuation of the fetus to grow for nine months, but each is different a woman from the other in the weight gain during pregnancy, where the increase is within normal limits for some people, while some women grow more, which makes the process of weight loss after birth and return to body weight before pregnancy more difficult; therefore prefers that women put a logical target of weight during pregnancy with their doctor or with a dietician and follow the necessary instructions and tips so as not to exceed this goal. One of the most disturbing in the postpartum period is a continuation of the abdomen appearance of the lady, and although some people believe that getting rid of excess weight after giving birth is difficult, but it is not that difficult, [1], especially if the woman began to carry normal weight and gained weight during pregnancy within normal limits, it is assumed that women can return to their weight before pregnancy during the month, while in the case of women began to wear them, carrying excess weight asset or increased during pregnancy and more weight than required may need about a year to return to the weight of the past, and it is very important that women keen to lose weight gained during pregnancy, as failure to do so is linked to injury with weight gain and obesity after 15 to 20 years, and women must be patient through the process of losing weight after giving birth, being careful to make it happen gradually, and not look to the quick results that link to the artists; where they achieve their so by resorting to very strict diets and exercise extreme periods should not start out by taking such steps. [2] this article aims to talk about the correct way to help women get rid of the rumen after birth.

Methods of removing the rumen after birth

The following will be mentioned basic ways to help women regain their weight before pregnancy and get rid of the rumen remaining after birth:


In the post-natal women are often in the lactation period, and in this period must be careful not to eat low-calorie needs a diet, so that breastfeeding women need about 500 extra calories a day to support the production of milk, it is possible to address the Diet give women what equivalent of their calories before pregnancy in addition to 330 calories an additional, and make the rest of the needs of breastfeeding come from fat reserves accumulated during pregnancy to support the lactation period; and require the majority of women in the lactation period to about 1800 calories a day, and if eating less, the milk supply will be adversely affected. It should take care to eat a balanced and varied diet; as this helps to lose weight gradually, and can keep some healthy snack foods on hand, such as apple slices or carrots or whole wheat biscuits, to be taken in case of feeling hungry. Must also be careful to healthy foods that give the nutrients needed by the body at this stage without the calorie content is high intake, preferably consult a dietician to get proper food plan gives the daily requirement of calories and nutrients without eating excess calories, which can be easily winning. It must also be that the mother is keen to drink adequate amounts of water to protect against drought, in addition to its role in stimulating the feeling of satiety and reduce the amount of calories


Some scientific research found that breast-feeding helps women lose weight and get back to the weight before pregnancy, and breastfeeding contributes to the contraction of the uterus and returning to the natural shape and size

 :Playing sports

Women should start practicing sports after birth shortly after consulting with her doctor about the best time for the start after birth, especially if the birth by caesarean section, and in the case of women faced during periods of exercise or after any severe bleeding or a headache or pain severe or other symptoms should be discontinued immediately and review Tabab.oimkn that women only rapid walk if they did not find the right opportunity to do to other aerobic exercise, and must be exercised at least 150 minutes of sport a week, and if not find the right time with concern for her infant, you can start periods of intermittent consists of 10 minutes each time, and then increase it to 20 or 30 minutes, and generally found that aerobics effective in relieving fat Batnolkn area also must be careful to exercise some resistance exercises to increase muscle and bone and help power the body to return to its former shape

:enough sleep

Find a lot of mothers difficulty getting adequate sleep after birth because of the constant getting up with the baby, but it is essential that women are trying to get enough sleep; where the study found that mothers who received five hours or less of sleep a day are are more likely to not get rid of excess weight accumulated during pregnancy compared to mothers who received seven hours of sleep; which raises the tension of the hormone cortisol and other hormones that stimulate weight gain, and fatigue and fatigue reduces a woman's ability to pay attention to their own, and reduces not getting enough sleep than exercise capacity and raises the chance of unhealthy food intake. [6] could try and women to get a nap in periods of sleep her baby during the day, taking care to sleep early so her child up to the age at which sleeps where periods during the long night